Rashid Ahmed Rifat

A wanderer in my own world, engineer & researcher


List of the projects I had done in various stages throughout my studies and work.

Compact Packaging and Testing of Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) Based Supercapacitors

July 2023 | Master's Thesis | Univerisity of South-Eastern Norway | This study explored different compact packaging techniques and evaluated their impact on the performance of carbon nanotube (CNT)-based supercapacitors

SSI Design Lab II: Manufacturing Processes for Smart Systems Lab

May 2022 | For the SSI Design Lab II (Microfabrication) course, lab experiments were carried out encompassing six processes with sputtering, photolithography, and wet/dry etching.

Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasound Transducer (CMUT) for Distance Measurement

May 2022 | In this project a CMUT cell is designed for distance measurement with frequency in the 100-200 kHz range. The entire design and analysis were performed considering that the CMUT was to be fabricated using PolyMUMPs technology.

SugarSense- Blood Glucose Monitoring Device

December 2021 | Used EmStat Pico module to measure the blood glucose level | Included accelerometer, pulse sensor for measuring the physical activity ▪ Presented the project to one of the investors in UK

Ecodesign for Smartphones: Case Carbon Neutrality

December 2021 | The main idea for this eco-design exercise was to gather enough data on smartphones to be able to give some advice on strategies that could efficiently reduce the global impact.

The Use And Optimization Of Physical Parameters Of Plasmonic Nanostructures On Semiconductor and Organic Thin-Film Solar Cells For Enhancing Their Opto-electronic Performance- A Comparative Study

August 2019 | This study compares the response of thin-film silicon, gallium arsenide, cadmium telluride-cadmium sulfide and organic solar cells (OSCs) to the use of plasmonic metal nanoparticles for modifying their respective opto-electronic performance.

RFID Based Gate Lock System for Systems & Control Course

December 2017 | Used radio-frequency identification to develop system which only approves authorized access ▪ Arduino UNO was used as the microcontroller and a custom model was made for the system ▪ System could detect unauthorized access without error

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