Rashid Ahmed Rifat

A wanderer in my own world, engineer & researcher

Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasound Transducer (CMUT) for Distance Measurement

Abstract— Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasound Transducers (CMUT) have been widely used by the industry owing to its numerous advantages such as easy fabrication process, higher bandwidth, better integration etc. In this project a CMUT cell is designed for distance measurement with frequency in the 100-200 kHz range. The entire design and 
analysis were performed considering that the CMUT was to be fabricated using PolyMUMPs technology. Various analyses were done using analytical model and FEM model in LTSPICE, MATLAB, and COMSOL that includes- eigenfrequency, frequency response, displacement, collapse voltage, parametric and acoustic analysis. Graphs and results from these simulations showed the CMUT characteristics and confirmed the calculations. Desired result was achieved and compared with the FEM model having minor variation from the analytical model. 
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