Rashid Ahmed Rifat

A wanderer in my own world, engineer & researcher

The Use And Optimization Of Physical Parameters Of Plasmonic Nanostructures On Semiconductor and Organic Thin-Film Solar Cells For Enhancing Their Opto-electronic Performance- A Comparative Study

Abstract: This study compares the response of thin-film silicon, gallium arsenide, cadmium telluride-cadmium sulfide and organic solar cells (OSCs) to the use of plasmonic metal nanoparticles for modifying their respective opto-electronic behavior and performance. Square arrays of silver nanoparticles were deposited at different inter-particle distances on top of the thin film solar cell substrates. The absorption of incident sunlight inside each solar cell form is investigated, and they were compared to the short circuit current density, open circuit voltage, the output power generated from each solar cell type and the fill factor calculations owing to the influence of the plasmonic nanoparticles. It is found that gallium-arsenide and cadmium telluride-cadmium sulfide show higher values than Silicon in the short circuit current generated, open circuit voltage, the fill-factor and the output power generated. Also, the optical absorption enhancement in the OSC was quite significant which gives further scope for research with such solar cell. These results show the influence of plasmonic metal nanoparticles to escalate the opto-electronic performance of thin-film solar cells is not restricted only to silicon substrates but extends to other commonly used semiconductor and organic substrates.

Simulation Setup

Simulation Setup for the optical absorption enhancement analysis
Setup for Jsc calculation (in GaAs substrate)


Near-field enhancement images at 位=460nm, Pitch length 10nm, diameter 100nm Ag nanoparticles on top of Si substrate
Near-field enhancement images 位=460nm , Pitch length 120nm, diameter 100nm Ag nanoparticles on top of Si substrate
Near-field enhancement images at 位=460nm, Pitch length 10nm, diameter 100nm Ag nanoparticles on top of GaAs substrate
Near-field enhancement images at 位=460nm, Pitch length 120nm, diameter 100nm Ag nanoparticles on top of GaAs substrate

Thesis Report

If you are interested to know about this project don't hesitate to contact me at: contact@rashidahmedrifat.com
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